Donating to Larimer County Search and Rescue

Donating to LCSAR

If you wish to make a donation to LCSAR, you can use any of the following methods:

Light Green Line


(send your check to the address below)

Larimer County Search and Rescue
1303 N Shields St
Fort Collins CO 80524-1014

Light Green Line

PayPal - on-line

Red Line

Thank you for Donating

We wish to express our most sincere appreciation and thanks to the many people, corporations, organizations, foundations, and groups that have made donations to LCSAR.

Red Line

Where does the money go?

Red Line

LCSAR Fund-raising Values

Larimer County Search and Rescue engages in fund-raising activities that comply with the values listed below.

Trust: We shall uphold the rules and regulations specified in our Bylaws and Policies, and in any agreements we have made, verbally or otherwise, with other agencies or individuals. We will not sell or make public any donor information without the expressed consent of the donor.

Integrity: We shall not engage in any fund-raising activities or tactics that we find unappealing or distasteful or that we know others find unappealing or distasteful – like random telephone solicitations by non-team members. Since none of our members are paid, our expenses can and should be largely focused on things related to search and rescue. Administrative expenses shall be kept to a minimum.

Honesty: we shall only request money for projects that are approved by the LCSAR Executive Board or that are  a normal part of accepted team needs. All future fund-raising success depends upon how truthful we have been about our needs and our expenses.

Accountability: We shall spend all monies earmarked for specific purposes on those purposes and do so in a timely manner and we shall document appropriate reasons and justifications if this does not happen.

Red Line