You Know You Are With LCSAR
You are a Search and Rescue member when:
- You've taken to referring to restroom visits as "calling in a Code Yellow."
- You've taken a bearing on your television from both ends of the couch.
- Your bedmate has expressed concern over your sudden fascination with knots and ropes.
- The sales manager at JAX is naming his new boat in your honor.
- You have used "training fatigue" as an excuse not to wash dishes.
- You have used "Let's put Red Fred in the shed" as a pick-up line.
- You've magic-markered your individual gear colors onto your cat.
- You refuse to take communion because the wine might compromise your mission readiness.
- You have bivied outside after suggesting that the wrinkles on your mate's face bear an uncanny resemblance to the contour lines around Arthur's Rock.
- On Thursday mornings, you're the only person stumbling around at work with bloodshot eyes and a camelback bladder full of black coffee.
- The screen saver on your home computer is a picture of Norland Hall.
- You have earnestly asked the question, "Can I get that in orange?"
- You triangulate EMS, REI, and Jax from your home.
- You leave bread crumbs as you walk to work.
- You have a nightmare that you are bivying between Brian and Norland.
- You are hoping Scott will tie the wrong knot (but he never does).
- You notice every track in the dirt and try to follow and examine them to see were they go.
- You end your phone conversation to your Mom with "copy".
- While out playing with your kids on their little 2 way radios, you accidentally call in your UTM.
- Your cat's leash is attached to its harness with a figure eight on a bight.
- When dressing for work at the office, you find yourself pulling gaiters on underneath your skirt.
- You "volunteer" for trailer setup.
- You wear blaze orange around the house for fun.
- Scott's jokes are still funny. - Just kidding.
- You're delusional enough to think that trooping around in an ice storm at 3:00 AM could be fun.
- You have a real concern for those lost or hurt and in need.
- You spend twice your budget on 50% off gear deals.
- You track your own footprints for fun.
- All your appliances are anchored by their power cords.
- You plot the elevation profiles of alternate routes to the grocery store.
- You NEVER AGAIN need to worry about the weight of your wallet or purse!
- You track which way the last person came or went from the dog park.
- You knew you were a SAR team member when you followed a burglar out into the darkness in your lace nighty.
- You are a SAR team member when you refuse to buy some shoes for your kids because they might not leave very good tracks. (Big fight last week with my 8 year old.)
- You know you are an LCSAR member when you receive e-mails about sweaty feet . . . And you actually read it!!
- You know you are in BASART when you get lost in Walmart and you pull out your compass to find your way out.
- You are willing to suspend what you have learned along the way to learn what works for the team.
- You cannot wait to be awoken at 1:00 am with a loud beeping in your ear.
- You have an excellent reason to blow off working around the house on the weekend.
- You are on a first name basis with the folks at REI, Jax, EMS and the Mountain Shop.
- You start working on your boss to support you taking off for missions.
- You look at a gorgeous mountain vista on a postcard and visualize contour lines.
- You begin persuading your significant other that you need a bigger vehicle to hold your gear.
- You realize that Cliffhanger is one of the best comedies you have ever seen.
- The 5 pound day pack you used to take on a hike now weighs 40 pounds.
- You cannot wait until next year, when someone else will deal with the stupid trailer.
- Your significant others have a list a yard long of gifts that you would treasure.
- Safety becomes more important than "going for it".
- You are okay with getting 20 more emails a day because they are about something you care about.
- You can feel like you are doing something to support your community that fits with your values and who you are.
- You start to dream about the day you can retire and become a un-paid professional SAR member.
- You stand a little taller when you tell your coworkers how you spent your weekend.
- You know you're an LCSAR member when, after neglecting to check your e-mail for ONE day, you realize you have 40 new e-mails in your Inbox, 38 of which are from LCSAR.
- You know you're an LCSAR member when you've picked the truck up from the Wonch's and have snuck into their back room to get the spare radio and batteries.
- You know you're an LCSAR member when you've attended meetings or training above Major Motors.
- You know you're an LCSAR member when you call people Nine Ocean George.
- You know you're an LCSAR member when you've almost had your head bit off by Boomer and Pockets at Dog Practice.