LCSAR Team Members Only

This site is only available to active members of Larimer County Search and Rescue.


Welcome to Larimer County Search and Rescue's store site.

Payment Methods

A. PayPal

All orders will be paid via PayPal either through your PayPal account or a credit card.

An invoice will be sent to your e-mail address.

Prices have been adjusted to cover PayPal and shipping fees.

B. Check

You can pay by check. Please contact the Order Coordinator that you are paying by check and get your check to them as soon as possible.

Stock Items

For the items that LCSAR carries in stock, they are in the SAR Office in the gray cabinet in various boxes.

After you purchase the items pick them up and put your receipt in the Treasurer's mail slot as an indication that you picked up your items and paid for them.

We are using the honor system for picking up your order. Please honor it.

Special Orders

For special orders, there will be an Order Coordinator and an order deadline.

For questions or concerns about a special order, please contact the Order Coordinator for that item.

Training Courses

Course fees are due prior to the start of the course.

Refund Policy - No refunds are given if you do not attend the course or drop out of the course.

Only pay the course fee when an announcement has been made to the team about availability and you signed up for the course.

Store Manager

For questions or concerns about the LCSAR Store contact:

Michael English


Cell: 970-372-7578